Saturday 21 June 2008

Scoutabout 08: Control Tower

Well this weekend I have decided that since there maybe a few of the Unit at Scoutabout I would attend just to keep an eye on them all and also keep you all up to date with what I have been up to.

Today I have been very busy infact this is one of my first breaks of the day and Ive managed to find myself a quiet corner of the control here in the Norfolk Building at Scoutabout. Today Ive spent the day with my close friend Rachel in making sure that all the Surrey Scouta nd Guides are being well looked after by all of the Stewards and other staff that are running the event for them all.

My job today has been manning the control room and telling all the humans what they have to do and where they have to roam around the site. Its been good fun, although its been so busy that Ive not as yet had a chance to chat to too many people. Ange, Phil and Stuart are all here as is Doug but I havent really seen them at all and although Ive seen some friendly faces, Jenni who took me to Kandersteg is here, some of the others have been quite natsy to me and have done horrible things to me today but Im fine.

Ive seen bothe Phil and Doug so far both are very bright in there yellow jackets, Phil has even promised to take me out with him on his night patrol so I will fill you in on how that goes. Ange and Stuart are both on site but I havent seen them they are both here with their units so are very busy somewhere else on the site. Stuart did pop up to see me thgis morning (I heard his voice chatting to some of the Stewards) but I was too busy in the control room so didnt have a chance to see him. I also believe that despite having something in her belly Ange is well too.

Right better go and get some food and a sleep before the night shift starts

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